Time to cherish Black men.

DJ Ephraim ADAMZ

When I'm not care giving I create art, make music, and coordinate community events. My free time is usually in activism or hustling to make ends meet. I enjoy meaningful conversations that can seem intimidating at first. Every day I aspire to be a better man. Are you ready?



4pm-6pm. 160 Piedmont St, Waterbury, CT

There is no test of income or other qualification to participate – come as you are, and be fed. Or, if you want to give back to your community, come as you are and help feed others.


Black Dudes Rock has no affiliation in food distribution.

support THE wellness space & SPECIAL EVENTS

Seeking table cloths, throw blankets, fold-able comfort chairs, seat cushions, curtains, lamps, and chair pillows to dress a wellness space at 9A South Main Street in Waterbury CT located next to Master Barber Shop. If you have loft items that you are willing to supply please send an email with photos, and the best method to contact you. The goal is to have the space coordinated in time for a series of art exhibit events which informs marginalized communities how to write a Will.